In the Brooder
I'm trying to get a better understanding on the "sexlink" breeds and how to tell the sex of the chick. I've read so much on feather sexing and color sexing and what not, but I still don't understand. Are Amberlinks only sexed by color? About a month or so ago we bought Amberlinks from Rural King. 2 are a little younger than the other 6 (I'm not 100% on their ages, but I am guessing around 5 weeks for the younger ones and maybe 6-7 weeks for the older ones). Anyway, one of the younger ones has a much more prominent comb and wattle than any of the others. Could it possibly be a cockerel? In another forum, I was told roos were white and hens were red... this makes all mine boys, which I don't believe to be accurate at all. Then I was told, if they were maybe red sexlinks then roos would be red and hens would be white, so maybe that's the case here? Please help! Is there anyway I can be certain that it is indeed a pullet? Or is there a chance that its a cockerel?