Ameracanas and Araucanas


11 Years
Apr 27, 2008
Lafayette, Louisiana
OK question about Ameracanas and Araucanas

they both lay colored eggs ..............

I have 2 Ameracanas .............. ONE has blue legs and the other light green legs . DOES that distinguish the color of eggs that they will lay ?

ALSO , what what age to they start laying ?
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Auracanas and Ameraucana will both lay colored eggs of blue most of the time if they are pure... IF your Ameraucana isn't actually an EE like most hatchery's sell they will have green legs. Those will lay greenish eggs...leg colors don't have anything to do with the egg color from what I was told.

From the threads I have been seeing they start laying around 22 weeks.
IF your Ameraucana isn't actually an EE like most hatchery's sell they will have green legs.

Maybe we should rephrase this a bit and clarify. EEs do not always have green legs, however, IF your bird does have green legs, it IS an Easter Egger as opposed to an Ameraucana. The leg color has nothing to do with egg color.​
YUP Thank you speckled hen...after rereading that It does sound better to rephrase it that way
That is what I meant to say LOL
Okay, this may be a dumb question, but I'll ask it anyway... I ordered two Ameraucanas from Ideal. What is the difference between the Ameraucana and the Auracana?
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Thanks for the link. When I bought them, I thought it would be cute to have colored eggs. Didn't know that I wasn't getting exactly what I thought I was. But, if you are not planning on showing the birds, does it matter that you have EE's?
I hope I get blue eggs. My girls are really looking forward to it. All of our others lay brown eggs, so they will be disappointed.
I did get a couple of naked necks, too. Don't they lay colored eggs?

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