ameracauna gender?


7 Years
Jul 10, 2012
I have two chickens and I am wondering what gender they are both about to start laying in a few weeks hopefully but I wont be too bummed with a roo. Let me know what you guys think.

First one

second one wouldn't let me get to good of a pic but the comb on the first is bigger and wider like a rose comb and the second one looks to almost not have a comb lol.
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I would say a pair.rooster on the first.I would say a long wait for eggs.Not nearly mature enough yet.Pea combs.Lavender ameraucanas.
Yea I am hoping for some eggs out of my golden comets and rir's soon. I realize the americaunas take a while. The golden comets being the hybrid can start at about 23 weeks I've heard. Is that right?

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