Ameraucana Chick staggering.... 4wks old


14 Years
May 16, 2008
North GA
My 4 wk. old ameraucana is staggering around, acting weak. It just happen over night. Does anyone have any suggestion on what to do.

Eating fine but I don't know if it is drinking, they are outside in a brooder box. I did dip its beak in the water.

I have other breeds in with it and they seem just fine.
What do I do?
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You should isolate it on newspaper or papertowels so you can see its poo, make sure its warm and has water and food. Check it real close for any visible pests.

it is stretching it's neck and gasping, most of the day. I have been giving it water today and put some grit in it food which it ate. Then after reading that it might be a impacted crop, took food out and replaced with yogurt. It has ate very little of that.
I just now gave it some poly-vi-sol and will give another dose before bed.
She is standing but sleeps mostly and still sways and staggers a bit, doesn't move much.

Other than giving water, is this all I can do for her?
It sounds like you are doing everything you can. Just in case she has a disease, you may want to isolate her from your other chicks. Keep her warm and in the dark so she will rest, keep up with the vitamins, and you can put 50% Pedialyte in her water to keep her hydrated.

If her crop is not distended significantly in the morning it is not an impacted crop. Respiratory illnesses can also cause a chick to gape like that.

Mix her mash with water so that it is nice and mushy and mix some hard-boiled or cool scrambled eggs in it for her if her crop is not distended and full in the morning.
Good luck.
Maybe Newcastle Disease?
Symptoms: Gasping, coughing, nasal discharge, uncoordination, paralysis. Rapid spread, high mortality. Adults may show only respiratory symptoms & egg productions drop.
Botulism also has paralysis as a symptom but I'm doubting your chick would have that being in a brooder box.

Birds eat decaying animal or vegetable material. Toxin is soluble so can be in water or maggots
Extreme weakness. Paralysis of legs, wings, neck. Bird cannot swallow. Feathers easily removed. Head hangs, swollen wattles, difficult breathing, dark head & wattles.
P-Clean yards. Don't use spoiled food. T-Place bird in shade. Fill crop with water twice daily. Give Epsom salts (1 lb. to 5 gal. water) into crop. Remove dead animals.
[Dr. Wigle says give oral penicillin & place where can eat & drink without moving]

There's lots of very good poultry disease info at, too.
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Thank you for the replies

This morn. everything seems fine except she is weak in her legs. Eating fine, drinking on her own, pooping ok, preening her feathers, and even roosting (low box). Still gasping some, just not as bad.

I will continue with the poly-vi-sol. Don't know what to do if it's a respiratory illnesses.
I'm really trying to save her because it's a true ameraucana and she is one of 2 or 3 pullets.

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