Ameraucana eggs / ship from SC

Dipsy Doodle Doo

13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Aiken, South Carolina 29801
My Coop
My Coop
I have 2 dozen Ameraucana eggs to ship tomorrow (laid 5th & 6th).
$25.00 plus shipping takes all 24 or $15.00 for a dozen plus shipping.
Send me your zip code so I can get the total for shipping.

PayPal is [email protected]
Hi Lisa - would it be possible to get just 3 or 4 Ameracauna eggs shipped tomorrow? The dozen I hatched from your eggs on Valentines Day are doing great and have been freeranging but one of my adult Ameracaunas just went broody and I only want to put 3 or 4 eggs under her. Today I put peacock eggs under her that someone gave me for free but they take longer and not sure she'll sit that long.

By the way. Out of that dozen - half were barred rock and half Ameracauna. But I got one that was huge at hatch, black with feathers down legs. Now it is really huge and has lots of feathers down legs - no beard/muffs though. Do you have cochins or something else that might have gotten mixed in? It's a beautiful bird but sure doesn't look like the rest.

Who da daddy?
Hi Monique!
Absolutely, can do that

Same P'ville Rd mailing address?

The first possibility is my light Brahma roo (huge and feather-legged makes him the mos' likely suspect, the sneak).
I'll email you.
Lisa thought you might want to see what a magnificent specimen of a hen/roo hatched from your baby's egg:



Only 6 weeks old and I call it The Eagle cause it intimates everyone else including the grown girls by doing this wing thing. Huge with feathers down shafts of legs. Girl or boy?

Also, here's one of your beautiful BR roos:


Hey everyone - all of Lisa's eggs hatched and all are big healthy beautiful birds. I will always reorder from her.
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Hi Susan,
These were from the blue, black, splash Am' hens with a black Am' roo.

I had major issues earlier with a BR roo jumping over in the Am' pen and a LB roo jumping over in the BR pen.
I think that's fixed so if anybody got barred Am's, I'll replace or refund them.

Thank you so much - I ordered 8 and I really appreciate the extra little SC (or 2) you're putting in for me? Wow! Your birds are beautiful - hope I'm successful. (Just had my first hatch ever - only a little better than 50 % with quite a few clear eggs in the bunch!)
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