ameraucana or ee


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2015
Just picked these up today and the guy said they were pure americanas if they r then what kind
They both have yellowish legs and non-standard colors. They are Easter Eggers. People buy 'Ameraucana' from feed stores or hatcheries and insist that they are getting true Ameraucana. The reality is, that they were sold Easter Eggers. True Ameraucana only ever have white skin and only come in a handful of recognized colors.
They're pretty Easter egger hens. I think you'll be just as happy with them as true Ameraucana, unless you were planning to show. For backyard birds, EE are pretty darn nice. Personally, I like the variety in feather color, and the range of egg colors
Any guesses on the breed of these hens. Was told possible EE but the humane society wasn't really sure.
It's going to depend on what color eggs they lay. If they lay blue or green, call them Easter eggers. If they lay brown or cream, they're mixed breed birds.

the first one almost puts me in mind of a silver leghorn, but not near enough comb. She may be a game hen of some sort.
They both have yellowish legs and non-standard colors. They are Easter Eggers. People buy 'Ameraucana' from feed stores or hatcheries and insist that they are getting true Ameraucana. The reality is, that they were sold Easter Eggers. True Ameraucana only ever have white skin and only come in a handful of recognized colors.

They're pretty Easter egger hens. I think you'll be just as happy with them as true Ameraucana, unless you were planning to show. For backyard birds, EE are pretty darn nice. Personally, I like the variety in feather color, and the range of egg colors
X2 on both of the above posts.
It's going to depend on what color eggs they lay. If they lay blue or green, call them Easter eggers. If they lay brown or cream, they're mixed breed birds.

the first one almost puts me in mind of a silver leghorn, but not near enough comb. She may be a game hen of some sort.

X2 on donrae's post.

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