Ameraucana Rooster


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2015
I am adding an Ameraucana Rooster to my flock shortly. He is pure and a Silver.

I currently have BR, CCL, LS, BB, Dominiques, EE, RSL, Houdan, Silkies, Red Production, CRx, BCM and then several barnyard mixes. All are hens.

If my Ameraucana fertilizes these hens what can I expect for offspring?
Ok great that's what I was hoping for. What about BSL? Could any of these produce black sex links?
Your Barred Rocks and Dominiques will produced black sexlinks if bred with a rooster that is non-barred and non-white. Barred hens can only pass their barring gene to their male chicks. Cream Legbar hens might produce black sexlinks, but don't count on it. It might be hard to see the head spots on those chicks clearly, and the barring may be faint and difficult to see.

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