Ameraucana sexing at 6 weeks?


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2017
I have 14 Ameraucana chicks that are around 6 weeks. Maybe closer to 7 by now. I'm getting some mixed answers about what I am looking for to start to sex them.

Am I right that the longer tails are pullets and shorter are cockerels? Some with the longer tails seem to have bigger, three row combs. I'm torn on this and I need to start finding homes for the extra cockerels as soon as possible. I know it's not 100% correct at this age but a good, educated estimate would help.














I'd say too young still, but I'd guess the ones showing more red could be boys???
I also am not a fan of this tail direction you mention.
Pretty young to determine for Ameraucana as they take longer to mature.

Right now, no one is screaming roo. If you have any, it would be those that are looking rosy in the comb right now. Watch those to see if they continue to develop fleshy, red combs especially compared to the others whose combs are pale now.

Tail direction has little to nothing to do with it at this age.

LOVE this game :hmm :pop Ok from my personal experience, my guesses are YOU are LUCKY! They all looking pullets to me except for sure #5, #6 but Ameraucanas/EE are a bit harder, 8 - 12wks is a better time frame. Your birds look to be more EE than AM, due to coloring & muffs/beards, I could be wrong.
When I've raised EE/AM chicks I watch the combs, the pullets usually have one row of peas while the cockerels three rows & you will see the red for sure. Love the coloring in yours.
You don't say where you got them from (hatchery/breeder/feed store), if you purchased pullets from a hatchery, they're pretty good about sexing. Our feed store here orders only pullets, now & then we get a male....Right now we're hoping one of the chicks purchased would be a male, our luck all pullets, ha ha
These are from a breeder and are full Ameraucana. They are from Paul Smith lines. They are going through a weird growth stage but up until now have had a ton of muff. I love splash's, standard or not, so I was pleased to get so many. It would be amazing to have mostly pullets! I have one Ameraucana rooster now and only enough hens to have two roosters so I can only keep one cockerel from this batch. Thanks so much. I know it's still early and don't need an exact count but getting an idea of what I might have really helps!
Wow, Paul Smith's line :love So sorry to have said they look like EEs here in Hawaii we get mostly hatchery stock. Really love the coloring on yours, good luck with your birds, they are going to be BEAUTIFUL!
Wow, Paul Smith's line :love So sorry to have said they look like EEs here in Hawaii we get mostly hatchery stock. Really love the coloring on yours, good luck with your birds, they are going to be BEAUTIFUL!

Are these the same birds you asked about here >>> #1
No worries! I was very lucky to get these guys.

No, that was long before I got these guys. These guys are only 6 weeks old. Those were hatched in early March.
No worries! I was very lucky to get these guys.

No, that was long before I got these guys. These guys are only 6 weeks old. Those were hatched in early March.

I'm confused The PICTURES of the birds in this thread, are 6wks old & the sex in question, hatched early March? Are these from birds that you had gotten from Paul Smith in the past?
Read the post above my last. They asked if they were the same birds from my original post. They are not. These are 6 weeks old. The others were from March.

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