Oct 23, 2012 #1 WildBillHicks Chirping 8 Years Jul 25, 2011 174 8 91 Durham, North Carolina shes about 6 months. i call her ugly betty. blue-grey with brown. is it ameraucana or EE mix? she looks funny with her longggggggggggg next extended her legs are hard to describe. blue-green maybe Last edited: Oct 23, 2012
shes about 6 months. i call her ugly betty. blue-grey with brown. is it ameraucana or EE mix? she looks funny with her longggggggggggg next extended her legs are hard to describe. blue-green maybe
Oct 24, 2012 #2 MsBagawkbagawk Songster 7 Years Jul 10, 2012 3,958 75 198 Somewhere.......Nowhere.......Everywhere.......... She's an EE. Ameraucanas have blue (slate) legs. Here's an article on the differences between EEs, Ameraucanas, and Araucanas. ~Ms. B
She's an EE. Ameraucanas have blue (slate) legs. Here's an article on the differences between EEs, Ameraucanas, and Araucanas. ~Ms. B