I've NEVER ever watched any American Idol's until this year...Not hooked on it, but I think the blind guy (can't remember his name) is gonna win though....
Still don't like the show, but I have caught it every once in awhile...
It doesn't help that that's one of the 2 channels we get now that we had to get the antenna converter box...We used to get 2, 4,5,9,11,18,28,48.....NOW WE GET 28 AND 48...NOT ALOT OF CHOICES NOW....
Oh I think I'd go insane... We had three channels when we lived in the country, and that lasted for about a month after we moved there. I had to get satellite after that....
Ok I think I jsut seen the worst ever commercial ever....
The ford commercial that all the AI's sang...That was just about enough to make me wanna turn it off.....
We used to have Satellite..But about a 1 to 1 1/2 years ago I shut it off....We had almost 600 channels but NOTHING was ever on...And besides that everyone was getting very lazy, but we all had massive thumbs from channel surfing with the remote so often...lol
(Now I am jsut gonna get huge saddle bags-hip from sitting on the comptuer chair, and charpell tunnel from typing...Gonna blame them both on this site...lol )