americana eggs

barnyard critters

In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 15, 2008
on our second hatch and once again the americana hatch rate is low. This time we weighed the eggs each time we candled. By day 18, they had lost over the 15%. Although there was a variety in each of the 4 breeds we hatched, on the whole, the americanas lost the most humidity. Do they need more humidity to hatch? The eggs were from 20 wk. old pullets the first hatch and 23 wk. old pullets on the second hatch.
No, they don't need special incubating circumstances. Mine hatch very, very well. You are hatching eggs from very young layers, so it could be just their age. Perhaps the chicks are not as vigorous as they will be later on. Now, I'm not sure if you have Easter Eggers since you spelled it AmerIcana, so we may not be talking about the same thing (mine were Ameraucanas), but really, neither should need anything different than any other breed.
Mine start hatching on Day 20 almost every time. In fact, I've been very pleased with how vigorous they are and so have others I've shipped them to. I no longer have my rooster so I'm not doing that right now, though.

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