Anatomy question


10 Years
Oct 16, 2009
Berkeley, CA
while cleaning and giving a haircut to 1 week old Pipsqueak McPastybutt I noticed a sharp protrusion about 1 centimeter below her vent. I checked a couple of other chicks and they have this too. What is it?
All right, answering your question with this answer is like a walking into a pen of hungry hyaenas, but I'll risk it: it's the chick's "belly-button." It's the place where the chick absorbs the yolk during development and even after hatching. In a short time, if the "protrusion" is in fact what I am talking about, it will fall off without a trace.
Well thanks for answering! That makes total sense--it is in the right location, plus, if you've seen a newborn human's belly button while the cord remnant is still attached, it is very similar. Thanks for the info.

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