Anemic chicken?


Sep 3, 2019
Hi all, I got two 5 1/2 month old hens about 3 weeks ago to add to my then current flock of 2 adult hens. The new hens both seemed healthy at first, but after a few days (while the new girls were still separated from my old girls), I noticed one of them was snicking a bit - although she seemed OK otherwise.

About a week after I combined the four birds together (during which time the new hen didn't seem to get any worse), I went away on vacation for a week. I hired someone to come care for the chickens while I was away. Upon my return, I noticed the hen that had been snicking looked what I think to be anemic. The area around her eyes Is white and her wattle is pale. Her eyes also look a little "puffy". I checked her for mites last night and she was clean. She's a bit light but not terribly. Her tail also seems a bit droopier than the other hens'. She does seem to be eating and behaving normally otherwise.

I have her isolated for now and am giving her scrambled eggs with yogurt and dried mealworms to try to put some weight on her. I'm looking for recommendations for other actions I can take. Should I worm her - and if so, with what?

Advice would be appreciated - although I will note that I do not plan to take her to the vet.

Thank you!

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