Anne Bonny the One-Legged Chicken


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 15, 2012

Anne Bonny is the toughest chicken I know.

I rescued her from The Great Raccoon Massacre of 2012 in a neighbor's backyard around Thanksgiving. She made it out, but not without some nasty wounds. In particular, she lost two-and-a-half toes on her left foot and her entire right leg up to her hock. She was able to hop around but wasn't able to get in the coop at night. So each night she slept on the floor of her run while raccoons pulled out her feathers and tormented her. My neighbor was just going to kill her and throw her in the trash. I knew I had to give this cluckly little dinosaur another chance.

I took her home with me and posted her up in the guest bedroom to my cat's dismay. She was in a sad state. She was skinny, her feathers were falling out and there was clearly bone exposed on her stump. She was able to hop around quite well but her stump looked terrible. I know I am crazy, but I took her to the vet to see what they could do. They said the best they could do would be to take the leg off further up near the hip, but that she likely wouldn't survive anesthesia. Luckily for me and Annie, the vet was curious to see if surgery would work and they went ahead with it. I called the vet as soon as surgery was over and they said she was already awake and standing around squawking at everyone. I have nothing but good things to say about the doctors and staff at Dublin Animal Hospital.

After I brought her home, she was back to devouring everything in sight and hopping about merrily. Then, after about a week post-surgery, she stopped standing up. I still don't understand what went wrong, but her remaining foot was totally limp. She just flapped her wings and squawked endlessly. It was terrible to hear and to see and, after a week or so, I finally decided it was time for the ax.

Now, I am a vegetarian, I throw my brakes on for squirrels, I carry bugs and spiders out of my house instead of squishing their little heads; I did not want to have to kill this silly, squawky one-legged bird. I decided to do it one Saturday and as I walked in to get her out of her cage in the guest bedroom I saw she was kind of standing up! It was more like she was just balancing on her hock but that was enough for me. Over the next few days she made more progress and eventually did begin hopping around again. What's more, is in late January, she even began laying eggs again!

I am currently in the process of building her a safe and handicap accessible coop next to my other ladies and hoping to find her a fellow hen to keep her company.
That is a lovely story, thanks for sharing. I am so happy that you took her in, she wouldn't have had a chance without you. Handicapped chickens are very special birds, not to mention tough little critters.
I'd love to see pictures of her handicapped coop once it is completed.

I have had a handicapped bird once before, and she turned into the best bird I've owned. She was born with bad leg problems and both legs were screwed up, though one was worse than the other. She managed to live for 11 months, much longer than I ever thought she would. She enjoyed her short life, and lived it to her fullest. I bathed her every few weeks and she really looked forward to it. She would pump her little leg in the water as if her own physical therapy. She also enjoyed going for rides in a homemade sled during the winter pulled by my loyal border collie. She really enjoyed her special attention and treats. She has been well missed around here, but has a special grave right beside the coop. Her name was Negu which stands for Never Ever Give Up, and she definitely lived up to her name.

Sorry for the lengthy response. Your Anne Bonny is beautiful.

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