Another dog attack -,-


In the Brooder
Dec 10, 2015
I'm out of town right now, and I have a friend watching my birds.
And I get a call up from him, and he tells me that I just lost about 10 birds, and there are three missing, that's 13 birds! (( I had 36) all were my layers for this next coming year.
So much for happy holidays .-.
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I have no clue, my yard is secure.
It keeps my dogs in, so I'd naturally assume it'd keep them out. But alas, it looks like I may shoot the blasted beast if he comes back. :/
So sorry! On Christmas day, my caretaker called to inform me that 12 of my show silkies had been killed by something. Turns out, it was a neighborhood dog who had chewed through a wooden door to get to them. Tore them to pieces. I cried harder than I have all year. Haven't been able to catch anything on game camera, and it has been back a few times, judging by the claw marks around the doors of the other pens. I am so sorry to hear it's happening to you too. :(
Time to start killing a dog sounds like to me! I'd probably figure out who's dog is doing it, get proof that the dog is doing it, then charge them for the birds. If that doesn't work either kill the dog or take it to the humain shelter.
I live in a country town were leashes and chains are not even considered. The trick is to scare the dogs off before they learn that there are chickens around. If I see a dog near my coop I charge after it waving a hatchet and yelling.
How awful. I had a bad year last year myself but it was a mink. Finally trapped it but I worry every day another will show up. Sorry to hear about your set back. It's awful when we loose them. Good luck
I do the same thing...although I will always wonder if the dogs were the actual killers of my chickens and the mink smelled the blood and then came by the next morning. But 2 weeks after spotting these new dogs, (I lived here 7 yrs and was able to free range safely) my chickens were killed but I will never know for sure.
I was frantic when this happened. My husband was beside himself cause I just couldn't stop crying. They were my silkies and I kept thinking how they couldn't even fly to try and get away. You lock them up for safety and something nasty kills them. And you become attached to anything you care for every day so it's heartbreaking. I contacted an old timer I got my swans from and he gave me traps to use. The first nite it killed 13.didn't eat them, just killed them. I understand they go for the blood but such a waste. Then it got in and killed some of my BCM and WELSUMMERS that I'd just hatched out a few months prior.about 14 that night. It was so bad I'd go up at night trying to catch it. Left the lights in so my birds had a chance to get away. 3 days later we caught the culprit. I hate killing anything but that was a good day. I just worry another will come. People who let there dogs run and destroy others pets are an awful bunch. They have no thought for the others who loose.

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