Another Guess This Bantam post...splash oegb?


Feb 9, 2018
Havehad this little one just over a week. Pictured next to a same age Sussex pullet for size comparison, and I will also add it is very small even compared to my silkies. It is one week old, no discernable comb, legs just starting to slate, but still fairly pale. This is the CALMEST chick I have ever had. Since day one it has been almost like a mannequin chick, staying I whatever position I put it, for quite a long time before even starting to move. Not overly active in the brooder, it mostly likes to lie on the food dish, eat a little, drink a little, and go back to lie on the food dish.
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If it's an OEGB which I'm guessing it could be but I can't tell yet.

They are some of the sweetest birds I've owned. I love my oegb tremendously. When handled regularly as chicks they tend to be extremely calm and gentle.
PS my profile pic is a little black breasted red cockeral oegb we rescued from the feed store that nearly didn't make it. He is named Nugget but had to be rehomed when he was a little too aggressive with our other oegb roo. Since then we have had up to 5-6 oegb roosters and cockerals at a time with no trouble. They live with our mixed flock unless separated for breeding also with no problems.

For this reason we keep only the gentlest cockerals as we also have other breeds of rooster. (We generally have 1-2 oegb roosters as they're not our main breed)

One thing they love to free range and are great at it.
UPDATE: Now two weeks old. This IS splash right? OEGB? Also, no comb growth so far, and quite a bit of tail so I'm hoping it ends up being a pullet. Still weirdly calm...doesn't run or have peep-freak-outs when I drop something in the brooder, etc. Just kind of sits there...I'm really starting to like her(him) though!
It really is a sweetie :) I've actually had a lot of luck with people's guesses online ending up being on point!

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