Another Lone Rooster


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 28, 2008
During one of my unsuccessful hatches, I had only one serama rooster hatch. I was not able to get him a "buddy" for the growing up phase of his life. He is now 5 months old and afraid of other chickens, well, maybe not afraid. He tried fighting with one of the older hens that got too close to him, raising the feathers on his back and jumping up and down at her. Was definately not intimate. So, for now, him and I are buds. Seems to enjoy being cuddled and doesn't even mind the dogs licking him. Anyone else have an experience like this?
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Or he could be your pet house chicken!
Oh, he is definately my house pet chicken, along with his mom and dad and three other unrelated siblings-one hen and two roos. They all get to live in the house due to the cold winters here and my city's lack of understanding. Yes, they are underground chickens, lol. I definately don't need an alarm clock. They all get run time every evening and I sneak them outside during the day when the neighbors are at work. They are all hand tamed and don't mind me holding them on their backs so I can cut their nails. Way better than parrots, and I have had them.

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