Another new member


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 2, 2011
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Hello, I recently joined BYC and have found it to be very informative and educational. I have learned alot reading through the forums and thankfully was given some info on worming. I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and currently have 2 Easter Eggers and a Rhode Island Red, along with 2 rabbits, 2 cats and a Springer Spaniel
Thanks for providing such an interesting forum!
from the Finger Lakes of New York! So glad to have you here. Are you anywhere near Halifax? I had a great time there. There was a restaurant (I think it was called the Five Brothers or Five Fishermen.) What a great place.
Hi and Welcome to BYC !

Have you heard about herbal deworming ? I use it on my goats and know you can use it on chickens to.

Go to or Molly' herbals (they use wormwood and all sorts of other herbs). I have 2 other goat friends that use it too.

So far so good with my goats!

Check out our website too !


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