another sick chicken maybe? Can i give antibiotics to the whole flock?


10 Years
May 9, 2009
Black Forest, CO
Last week we noticed our rooster was acting sick. Lethargic, not eating and slumping down. I removed him, gave him antibiotics in his water with electrolytes for 2 days or so and he's all better now. Moved him back to the flock and noticed this morning my bantam frizzle is acting similar. Can i just give the whole flock antibiotics in the water to prevent them from all catching something?? Or do I have to pull each one as they get sick.. My rooster seems back to himself.. but this morning when i checked on them my frizzle seemed sleepy and wasn't pecking for scratch with the others. Whatever happened with my rooster antibiotics/electrolytes seemed to cure him

Thanks for any input! Going to make some antibiotic water now and syringe her with it.. but I'd like to just add it to the whole flocks water to hopefully prevent more from getting sick?
If you think that what you have is a contagious, bacterial disease moving through your flock, then do give everyone antibiotics (dosing in the water is the easiest.) It's less disruptive to the flock that removing a few hens at a time. Do make sure that you dose for the full amount of time specified by the drug manufacturer (even if everyone looks better!) One thing about avian antibiotics in small flocks - the drugs are designed for huge flocks and getting the dosing right can be tricky. I use a digital scale to weigh out the dose. Also, most need to be made up on a daily basis, and if it's very hot where you are the effectiveness can decrease. Also, if a hen is very sick, she might not drink the medicine, so do keep an eye out that everyone is getting their share. I have more about treating respiratory disease in chickens here:
THANK you!!!!!!! The feed store told me about a tbsp to a gallon of water and it only lasts 24hrs.. i'm doing that since this could be spreading and I want it stopped! our high today is only 79 so we should be good temperature wise. :)

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