Another wheezing question I'm at a loss.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 6, 2011
Hi all I know there are tons of post here about wheezing chickens but I'm kinda at a loss right now what to do. We have an Easter egger who is 2 years old. I noticed last week she was wheezing a lot and having a very hard time breathing. She would stretch her neck and open her mouth to get air. I quickly ran to the feed store to get antibiotics for the water guessing she has a respiratory problem. Tried that but the next day she seemed worse. Called a Vet (who treats horses but very knowledgeable about chickens) and she told me to come get an antibiotic shot. I did that and I'm sorry I don't know what kind of antibiotic it was. She seemed to get slightly better the next day. Back to running around eating, drinking and laying. I continued with the antibiotic in the water for 7 more days. Now she is wheezing again. She is still running around normally eating and drinking but I'm kinda at a loss of what to do for her. Should I continue the antibiotic water? Doesn't seem to be making a difference and we want to be abel to eat our eggs. Or should I just let this run its corse and see what happens. I was thinking of starting a dewormer to rule that out. I do feel so bad for her. I don't want her to suffer. Any suggestions??
I have had a similar situation & the drug that worked for me was the LA200. This is much stronger than a drench & works well for respiratory. I had an Avian Vet give me Baytril(10% liquid-2cc per 1/2 gal) but FOR ME for whatever reason they regressed when I tried taking them off the LA200 & put them strictly on the Baytril. They ended up being on both at the same time. She stated Baytril is the best for Respiratory but there are other things that can cause respiratory symptoms.
The Treatment for Chronic CRD/MG is 1cc every other day(for a 5-7lb Hen) for "2 WEEKS". This is a BAD Respiratory disease which isn't curable. Mine tested Neg. for these but initially the Vet Agreed with my suspicion on my initial visit & told me 1 week for a Bad Respiratory disease wasn't long enough. In SHORT I did it for 2 weeks & so far so good. They have only been off 1 week so I'm watching close for relapse. I DO have 1 that I had to put down but she had Cardio on top of this mystery Disease. I'm waiting for culture-complete necropsy results from UCD . My symptoms were Rattling-wheezing-sneezing/whistling breath sounds,scratching at face,open beak as if they were yawning(intermittent),some nasal discharge with slight odor on some hens & ocass. beak scratching on ground.
Hope this helps some. I have also sprayed my coop,laying boxes & dirt baths with Oxine (non activated) & make sure its dry before allowing them to return. Oxine can also be used as a breathing treatment & CAN Work well if its Strictly a Respiratory Disease( meaning no secondary illness causing the breathing problem).
Thanks for your reply. In all honesty I am not going to pay tons of money to get a bunch a test done. I do want to help her and will do what I can but we can not afford a bunch of medical treatments. I will continue with antibiotics and look for something stronger for her.
Thanks for the detailed symptoms and sharing your treatment plan, Please post the update when you get necropsy results, I haven't lost any chicks yet but am considering culling the one that is still punky acting. Mine have exactly your symptoms minus the discharge/oder...caught it fast only two birds where showing symtoms 3 by the time i started treatment..... have them on durmycin-10 dose for a week now, may go up to 10-14 days and take them off add probiotics after treatment......... now so far sneezing weezing rattleing rubbing and scratching face has stopped every one is de-stressed and looking chipper except one... treated whole flock all where exposed

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