anti-fungal cream safe for silkie?


In the Brooder
Nov 12, 2015
What topical anti-fungal cream is safe to put on my silkie's skin? I do not want to poison her if she eats it while preening. Any suggestions for treating fungal infection that is covering her body? I have flagyl on hand, how much and for how long can I give it to her?
What does the fungal infection look like? Could you post a picture?
I've never seen a chicken with a full infection on the body, so I'm not sure how to treat it, but I hope others can help you.

Best of luck!
You can use vaginal creams on all parts of the birds body. It is very safe and will not poison the bird.

Why do you think she has a fungal infection? If she has a fungal infection on the skin, you would do best to bath the bird in an anti fungal shampoo of some sort so you can attack the entire infection. Also adding probiotics to the birds diet in the water or on feed will greatly help the immune system from the inside out.
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Here are some pictures of her, others have said that it looks fungal. I am trying to get any advice that I can to help her, thank you.

Yes, that does look like a fungal infection. However no doubt it has spread to her entire skin. You might bathe the rest of her body in an antifungal shampoo and use vaginal cream on her face and neck. You might also offer her up several tablespoons of plain yogurt a day and you might put a 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a gallon of water. Change and make a new batch daily. The yogurt will add good bacteria that will feed on fungal/yeast infections and the ACV will raise her PH which will also help to fight off this infection. Add some good poultry vitamins to her diet as well.

Most birds are resistant to fungal infections. Bacteria's, virus's and fungi are everywhere in a birds environment. Birds with weak immune systems, old or very young birds can fall prey to these infections. So try to healthy her up from the inside out. No matter now much medications you put on the outside, if the inside is sick, she will never heal.

I sure hope you can get her back to good health soon!
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Thank you, is there a particular shampoo that you would recommend? I read that anti-dandruff shampoo can be used... is this true?
You can use pretty much all shampoo's on birds that you use on yourself. They make antifungal shampoos for the human head. You can find these on the shelf at the store or order them on line. I have used a product called "Healthy Hair Plus Anti Fungal Shampoo" on a couple of birds I thought had fungal infectoins on the skin. Turned out to be something else. But the birds had no problem with this shampoo. Just make sure she is thoroughly dry before letting her outside if it is cold outside. I would do this first thing in the morning too so after she is dry, she can get preening and get those oils back on her feathers before evening.
That looks pretty bad. Never seen anything like that. Sebozole medicated shampoo works well. You can buy it at a vets office or online. You can get in touch with Peter Brown at First State Vet Supply online. He is very knowledgeable and helpful with all us chicken people. If you would like his email send me a message. Good luck
Thank you Twocrows. I had some head and shoulders pyrithione zinc shampoo on hand, not sure if I spelled that right. I just finished up bathing her and blow drying her. I forgot how much she loves her baths. She was loving just soaking in the warm water. Then she crawled into my lap when I was blow-drying her and opened up her wings to get dried. Anyhow, she really seemed to like the bath and some of the scales came loose so she must feel better. I also pulled a big chunk of yellow wax or something out of her ear. I couldn't believe something that big was lodged in her ear...that would explain why she has been gaping and shaking her head. All I can say is wow. Was that from the fungal infection? Thank you so much for the excellent suggestion, she is now back in her clean crate for the night and feeling much more comfortable. I didn't wash her head with the shampoo because I did not want to get it in her eyes. I will see how her skin is doing in the morning.

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