Any Carl Sagan fans?


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
I've just started reading the book Cosmos by Carl Sagan. I honestly can't believe it's taken me this long to find out about him. He just amazes me with his writing and all the things he did over his lifetime. What an amazing person! Any other fans? I really want to read Contact, but they didn't have it at the lbrary. I did pick up The Demon Haunted World and Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors though, and I hope I'll be able to get through all of them before I have to return them!
Apple used the code name Sagan for an internal project. He sued them and they had to change the name. You'll have to google that name though.
I think he was good at his work and extremely intelligent, but I don't know a whole lot about him, personally. However, I do know that he was irritated by a lot of things, not just the Apple incident.

I like Contact. Brilliant! They made a movie from it, too.
I've enjoyed him over the years and he was a very interesting guy LOL! My hubby just loved him and believes that the solar system is so infinity.

I also like that other guy in a wheel chair...his name slipped my mind but he is a genuis too!
I believe you might mean Stephen Hawking. Another interesting guy.

Exactly. I just watched Stephen Hawking's last program and he does not believe there is a God....such interesting theory!

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