Any guesses on breed and gender?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 20, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Hi All

My partner bought home some eggs from a poultry auction. We think one may be a black orpington (in the first picture) but no idea what the other one is. Any ideas? And gender if anyone can tell at this young age (about a month)

. Thanks
Silver laced Wyandotte maybe? Don't own them so just a guess but I will be jealous if it is :)
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X2 Black Australorp and Silver Laced Wyandotte, they have a little more pink comb/wattle than I like to see at this age in those pictures.
Australorps are way more common than black Orps, at least here in the US, so I tend to think Australorp. The second bird does look like a silver laced Wyandotte.
The second chick is a Silver Laced Wyandotte. The black one could be any of several black breeds (Orpington, Australorp, Jersey Giant, etc.). Both look like pullets for now.
Hi, I'm trying to find anyone that might be able to help me. I have some birds that my husband bought thinking they were barred rocks, when I saw them they are not! I do think they are maybe barred rocks and ameraucana crossed?? I really don't know. My big thing is, they were suppose to be pullets and the more I look I think maybe some are roos but I have know idea how to really tell. I was thinking that maybe just the 2 that aren't barred might be roos but then looking at some of the barred they look like they have some longer feathers around the neck and maybe longer tails? Any help on breed age and sex would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!


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