Any guesses on what my Ducks are? Lots of Pictures!


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 8, 2010
West Michigan
Both Ducks were purchased at the local Family Farm and Garden store. There was no labeling and the person there said Pekin and Mallard.... I am mostly wondering what Ming Ming is... the cream colored one. She is very vocal and always worrying about where Pikachu is. When we first brought her home we thought that she was a Pekin, watching how she stands and moves around along with her coloring makes me think she is some kind of runner....

This is Ming Ming @ just a day after we brought her home.

Both Ming and Pikachu a few days later... (we had given Ming a bath as she was covered in something)

A few weeks later

These last two were taken over the weekend.

What would you call her coloring? Its a peachy cream color that looks like penciling on her feathers!

Guess away!
Ming Ming looks like a fawn and white runner but a little light on the fawn coloring and she's a bit heavy in the body...pekin X runner cross?

Pikachu definately looks Rouen to me with the two eye stripes as a baby.

They are CUTE as babies and gorgeous as big kids!
Ming Ming reminds me of Wifezilla's duck (I think her name is Chrissie). She is a runner, perhaps a runner cross (I have read that not all runners are statuesque, and that breeders do not breed ducks that are too broad or stocky).
They both have great personalities, although both of them think they are big chickens! They love playing with all our chickens and cry when everyone has to go back to their own areas at night!
So I rescued a couple of the neighbors day old ducklings nearly a week ago (she's living off site and had started to lose most of them and I had a broody hen willing to take them on). One of the ducklings didn't make it (never would eat or drink) so I'm feeling a little bad for the lone duckling. I also have another hen with six 3 1/2 week old chicks and was thinking about having the broodies and their babies share a pen once the duckling was closer in size to the chicks (he's almost there), but wasn't sure how that would work out -- looking at your sweet picture of the big ducklings and the little chick it makes me more determined to try it.
I tend to think the white one is a mix also. I was going to say Pekin until I saw the color. The only color like that I know of belongs to a Runner, so maybe a Runner/Pekin cross. Pretty either way.
Ming Ming reminds me of Wifezilla's duck (I think her name is Chrissie)

Yup! Chrissy is a hatchery runner and not a mix so I would guess that's what you have. The other duck is a rouen.​
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So I rescued a couple of the neighbors day old ducklings nearly a week ago (she's living off site and had started to lose most of them and I had a broody hen willing to take them on). One of the ducklings didn't make it (never would eat or drink) so I'm feeling a little bad for the lone duckling. I also have another hen with six 3 1/2 week old chicks and was thinking about having the broodies and their babies share a pen once the duckling was closer in size to the chicks (he's almost there), but wasn't sure how that would work out -- looking at your sweet picture of the big ducklings and the little chick it makes me more determined to try it.

They all stayed in the brooder together just fine for a week. It was sweet to see them all cuddle up together under the lamp. They all moved together into the chicken coop and run for the next three weeks. We had to pick the ducks up and put them into the coop as the ramp was too high for them to make it on their own. After that we did move the ducks to their own area, MingMing's blood feathers were very noticable and the chickens had started to peck at them. They left Pikachu's alone (I'm thinking the colors made the difference) and we never saw them peck at his. The duck run and duck house are connected off of the run for the chicken... you can see a picture of them and the coop/runs on my BYCpage.

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