May 18, 2012 #1 coolcanoechic Crowing 13 Years Oct 7, 2011 990 117 276 Raymond, New Hampshire My Coop My Coop This is an eight week old BCM. I am beginning to suspect it is a boy by it's stance even though the comb is small and the waddles have not appeared yet. Can anyone tell from these pictures?
This is an eight week old BCM. I am beginning to suspect it is a boy by it's stance even though the comb is small and the waddles have not appeared yet. Can anyone tell from these pictures?
May 18, 2012 #2 PaintedCavalry In the Brooder 7 Years Mar 29, 2012 50 3 33 Jacksonville, FL That looks just like my BCM, Jasmine who is decidedly female. Here is my older Blue Copper Maran, Priscilla:
That looks just like my BCM, Jasmine who is decidedly female. Here is my older Blue Copper Maran, Priscilla:
May 18, 2012 Thread starter #3 coolcanoechic Crowing 13 Years Oct 7, 2011 990 117 276 Raymond, New Hampshire My Coop My Coop Jasmine looks like she is getting her copper color already. She's going to be a pretty girl when she grows up.
Jasmine looks like she is getting her copper color already. She's going to be a pretty girl when she grows up.