My daughter found this chick running for its life in the Post Office parking lot. She/he is huge compared to my other baby chicks. Does anybody have any ideas on what breed she/he is? If you know if its a rooster or a hen, I would be interested in knowing that also.
No idea on the breed, but the comb looks pretty big and red for its size/feather development - maybe a roo? So great that she was able to rescue him! I hope that somebody didn't purposely release him because he was a roo and they didn't want him (sad!).
Look kind of scraggely. Maybe from being in the parking lot?
But I have to guess D'Uccle. He or She has the "bearded" look of a D'Uccle. The cheek/beak area looks very fluffy even if it still has the baby down. Beautiful chicken no matter what!!