Any suggestions on introducing goslings to adult trio?


8 Years
Feb 9, 2011
I have 4 toulouse goslings that will need to be introduced to the flock. The trio is 3 brown chinese, 1 male, 2 female.

I have introduced goslings before but they were they same type and no adult male. I would love any advise, suggestions, warnings that anybody would have for me to make this transition as smoothly as possible.
How old are they? I put mine in a small pen during the day until they are about 2 weeks old so the adults can see them but not 'get' them. Then I just turn them out. Usually the ganders are the ones that take on raising 'new' babies.
They are 3 weeks old and huge! I take them out once a day for greens and have hesitantly allowed the adults out with them supervised. And that explains why the gander keeps trying to herd them around...the are scared of him. So, I will put them in an outdoor pen for a week and turn em loose! I was just concerned about" tanks" behavior. The females ignore them.
That is so cool! I didn't know that. Hoping we can get something to hatch soon.
I didn't have any problems with my adults last year, they raised 5 babies for me

The goslings are probably scared of the geese because they have decided they are human. Eventually they'll learn they are not
Yep my ganders used to take control of any gosling that got out of the nest before the goose had quit the nest. usually the family is reunited after the goose has left the nest. I even had one that jumped back on the nest after the goose had left. I don't know if he thought he heard from the egg or he just wasn't too bright but he set there until the next day. Poor fellow didn't hatch anything. Geese seem to be the only poultry where the father is family oriented.

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