Last year we ordered 25 chicks for ourselves. They sent us 53. So we put the extras on Craigslist for 5$ each. They were all pullets but mixed breed. We sold the in a few days. So we ordered more. Sold them. We sold a total of 200 over 6 weeks. A lot of people wanted RIR's and EE's.So this year we ordered 50 of each. The EE's are 5 weeks old and the RIR's are 4 weeks old. We sold about 10 of each. The feed stores are selling them at cost and there are bunches of people selling them on Craigslist. It's like all the sudden everyone thinks they're the money maker of the year. Now we're stuck with about 70 chickens that keep growing and eating. I don't want to make them into meat chickens. I would rather buy a meat selection for 1.00 ea. the RIR's were 2.60 ea with shipping and the ee's were 3.10 ea with shipping. Anyone else having the same problem?