Anybody having hard time selling chicks?


On vacation
11 Years
Dec 12, 2008
Kiowa, Colorado
Last year we ordered 25 chicks for ourselves. They sent us 53. So we put the extras on Craigslist for 5$ each. They were all pullets but mixed breed. We sold the in a few days. So we ordered more. Sold them. We sold a total of 200 over 6 weeks. A lot of people wanted RIR's and EE's.So this year we ordered 50 of each. The EE's are 5 weeks old and the RIR's are 4 weeks old. We sold about 10 of each. The feed stores are selling them at cost and there are bunches of people selling them on Craigslist. It's like all the sudden everyone thinks they're the money maker of the year. Now we're stuck with about 70 chickens that keep growing and eating. I don't want to make them into meat chickens. I would rather buy a meat selection for 1.00 ea. the RIR's were 2.60 ea with shipping and the ee's were 3.10 ea with shipping. Anyone else having the same problem?
Could it be the timing? Was it at a different time in the year last time?

I put an ad up on craigslist and here for anyone wanting to share an order back in January. I had more ordered than I could handle by the end. We did end up with a bunch of extras due to a reshipment of the ones that didn't make it. Lots of folks around here wanted the extras, 4 weeks ago when I listed them. I just had two baby chicks from a hatch and I had a hard time giving them away. I also only had a couple of responses for my 4 week old pullets that I wanted to "rehome" because I had too many. That's what made me think maybe it was a timing thing. Earlier was easier.
we raise until 18 weeks then sell for $20 ours are friendly and healthy we are in alabama
We listed them when they were 3 days old. About 4 weeks ago. We live in the boonies. I think we'll just wait till they start laying and sell them for 15 or so.
I get that sort of tomfoolery as well, but for every one of those, I have four, five or more people who are just thrilled to have found 6-week pullets available at any price.

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