Anybody in south central Montana with hatching eggs? OR nearby...


11 Years
Jan 24, 2009
Livingston, Montana
I'd like to reduce shipping time/transit stress on fertile hatching eggs and am wondering if the eggs' place of origin has any bearing on hatch rate, perhaps due to similar climate factors, etc.

Looking for a few breeds of hatching eggs but want extremely cold hardy breeds/good layers. Interested in (among oh so many others)

*Brahmas (all colors)
*Delawares (maybe/getting some of those already)

You BYCers have such gorgeous birds from such wonderful lines; it's hard to keep the list short.

*Any others you have found are good in our often cold and windy climate. Feel free to turn me on to yet another great breed!!!

I will be helping some friends start their urban (well as urban as a town of 7500 can be!) flocks and spreading the chicken Love...Looking for non-commercial hatchery lines; preservation/heritage stock preferred.



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