I am not close, I am in Grenada. Just wanted to say hi. jmhappycowboy is closer to you I think. He is in Canton. Do a search. I don't think he has any peafowl right now though.
But check with him to see what he does have. I can't recall off hand everything.
lococuqi, hey this is James (jmhappycowboy) and I live in Canton, MS which is roughly 2 hrs from Laurel. as all my other friends have said I don't have any peafowl left at this time (but that could change at most anytime). I do have several different breeds of birds though. I have Large Blue, Splash and Black Orpingtons, and Naked Necks. In Bantams I have Blue and Black Orpingtons, a few Gold Sebrights, and Araucana's. lets see I have Black East Indie Ducks, Grey Call Ducks, and 3 Guineas. I think that about covers it. Wait I have Welsummers in chicks as well as Dominiques.
Anyway welcome to BYC good to see so many MS people gathering here now.
P.S. If I don't have anything you want let me know what your looking for and I am sure I can find it.
I live very close to Laurel, Im in Waynesboro. I don't even have any chickens yet though, still waiting on my order to come at the end of April from Ideal.
Refresh my memery, I used to live in Corinth about 28 years ago and if I remember correctly Laurel was somewhat close. Am I right?
I live about 45 miles East of Corinth just across the border in Florence, Alabama.