Anyone ever put a automatic dishwasher in their barn/coop?


9 Years
Apr 25, 2010
Southern IL
We are in the process of running a water line just past the henhouse and we are going to put a tap into the coop. There is sufficient space in there to put in a dishwasher that we are taking out of the house (it leaks a little (more of a plumbing issue that needs corrected than a DW issue===don't want it in my kitchen, but would be ok out in the coop area). It would be so convenient to have it in the coop to run waterers and the such through a cycle with just a little bleach or ACV rather than washing them elsewhere. I would discharge the water far away from the coop so the used water wouldn't be near the run or coop.
Of course my husband thinks I am over the top. He would have to run electricity to the coop and he really doesn't want to do that.
Am I over the top or just getting practical in my old age??????????
I think it's a good idea, in fact I'm a bit jealous I can't do the same.
I hate having to bring stuff into the house to wash it! Tell him to suck it up, having electricity in the coop is a glorious thing!!
It's just going to get nasty in a coop.

Even if they can't get to it, they will kick up enough dust to ruin it.

The first freeze will probably break the pump if the dust in the motor doesn't cause it to burn up first
Ya could bury a 55 gal drum with holes and stone for a septic system for it to drain in. Sounds like a good idea to me.
Just my two cents:
Having electricity in the coop isn't that great a thing. You don't really need to do anything other than to hose out the waterers etc. Bleach and other cleaning agents might harm your flock if there is any residue left over. If the wires become exposed even slightly it could be a hazard to you and your flock. I would suggest against it.

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