Anyone expecting an order from Murray McMurray hatchery "Special Assortment" for October?


7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
Mine are supposed to be sent out today. They gave me an expected delivery period of Thursda-Saturday. They do not send e-mail notices for their Fall deliveries, which I find disappointing. I am getting the "Special Assorted Bargain" along with 4 SLW and 4 BO hens. Has anyone else ordered this assortment at this time of year and what did you end up getting? Since not all breeds are available this time of year, I wonder if I will be limited to my variety or do they just hatch them on a smaller scale. I want some good layers, but I wouldn't mind some unusual or rare kinds in there too. I hope this is a good experience as it is my first time ordering from a hatchery. Last year I got mine from a feed and seed store and had very good luck. They all were healthy and I ended up picking 10 girls. Unfortunately they were wipe out by my dogs as they were free-raging. I have one hen left that I raised from chick stage. She is a Black Jersey Giant and has been laying about a month and a half. Still small eggs but I will take it. I was also given a BO hen and roo from a lady who's flock also was wiped out from predators. She just didn't want the chicken anymore. I love the BO hen as she is friendly and lays a darn good jumbo egg. She has established herself as the head hen. I also recently bought 3 blue cochins, 1 black cochin and 2 light brahma hens And I also have three bantams, one ld English roo and two hens of which I do not know the breed. I think after I get this variety group established, I may decide on a seoerate pen or a couple of sepeprate pens and focus on a particular breed. Right now I am getting the feel of the different breeds. I hope to post a picture when I get my babies and maybe we can guess what kind they are.
I just did an order of 25 Buff Orps and it is supposed to be delivered the 7-10th. I will let you know how it goes once I get them. My spring order was not a very good one since they sent them on one of the coldest days we had last spring and the poor chix sat on the runway in 10 degree weather for an hour. Needless to say I lost half that batch in the first 48 hours and ended up getting some more from a local hatchary. The downside to that was that the ones I got from there were half roosters and they were not pure bread hens. Let me know what you end up with as well.
Oh I love my BO hen. Someone gave her to me along with a roo as her flock were free ranging on a wide open space and all were taken out but these two. She is not very beautiful at all but she is the friendliest and her eggs are JUMBO and wonderful. I will be getting some with my shipment and I look forward to have some great layers. I was on thefence about ordering from a hatchery because I am not sure of quality, etc but this order was just for fun. Please let me know when you get yours as well. I plan to take pics and post as I go along. Part of the fun is finding out what you get an assorted mix order.
I just got called from my PO that my order was in from McMurrays. I got the 25 assorted Feather-footed Bantams. I'm hoping for at least a few Silkies!! I was surprised-- mine seemed to come early. I wasn't expecting them until Friday. Maybe yours will come early too!
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I received my babies this morning. All came alive and they are running around their playpen eating and drinking and pooping like little machines. They all seem healthy. I don't see any lethargic ones. I added some Save-A-Chick into their water. I posted their pics on the thread where you 'identify' the breed. Go take a look and see what you think :)
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