Anyone from Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota. or Eastern Nebraska


11 Years
Mar 11, 2008
Is there many people on here from those areas? I would like to find a rooster chick or full grown
I am in east central iowa and have a ton of extra roos. Most will be going to the Waverly IA swap on the 6th of April. If it is not extremely far you might want to think about going. It is pretty big and you can find about anything there. If you can make it and want a free roo, let me know and I can send you some pics of different ones I will be taking and can save you one.. Are you looking for standard or banty? Jenn
I am in Princeton, MN. I am always Rooster heavy. I have a lot of rare breed pairs so I tend to run heavy on roosters. contact me if you are in the area.

~Teddy Bear
Hey I'm in Plymouth MN about 15 minutes west of Minneapolis. This boy needs a good home:





He's a mutt with Buff Orp, Easter Egger and Rhode Island Red in there. He's super sweet and would be a great pet.
I am about 20 miles west of Omaha. Where are you? Also you may be intersted to know that there is a poultry auction in Palmyra this weekend.
Hi Ella,
I live in Milaca, and would be interested in taking your rooster for you. He would have a very good home.

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