Anyone got eggs due on 2nd

I do! I have 7 buff silkies due on the 2nd.
ive got about 15 barnyard mixes that my barnyard mix is laying on. she has them in the hay barn on the goats' haybales and so i didnt see them until a while ago because now that its spring, the goats dont eat hay. if she started "incubating" them the day i found them they will be due the 2nd...but it could be any day...
Me, too! One EE sitting on 23 eggs and a white cochin sitting on about 8. Just had a BO hatch out 5 and 10 sexed Wyandottes ordered from MPC. 17 grown chickens (2 roosters and 15 hens). No one can say I am "chicken poor!"
Me too placed some turkey eggs inside the incubator May 5th and they are due 1st-2nd!!

I just hope my Tom banged the hens this time...

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