Anyone have leg bands for quail?


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I have some tuxedo quail, and will soon have some A&M's as well. I need to get some leg bands, so I don't have to violate them everytime I need to know who's a boy and who's a girl! Anyone have some quail-sized leg bands they could sell me? I don't need a whole lot, that's why I decided to try here before ebay.
if u go to lowes, walmart or big lots u can get cable ties in different colors. i use them from cockatiels to pigeons to chickens. they work great and can use from hatch to adult and size yourself. they sell for $5 for about 500 of em in different sizes. they should have smaller packs also available cheaper. 4mm is what i use on my pigeons and peeps. they r what i found easiest to remove if needed and cheapest.
hope that helps,

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