Anyone have pictures of a 4 by 8 coop?

This was the coop my neighbor helped us build last year. We're upgrading big time in a few weeks to something larger.


Let me share with you what we learned via this coop:

Have a run you can walk into - the run on this coop is only 2 ft. tall - so any time we wanted to nab one of the birds or clean it we had to bend INTO that short space. Not easy. Also giving the chickens a taller run allows them to REALLY stretch and flap their wings when they must be confined. Also even though we have bantam cochins I wish we had a much larger run in length. Gives them room to walk around and more space to peck on too.

What I liked and still like about this coop is:

a) that we lined the inside with a remnant of linoleum and it makes it super easy to clean out.

b) it has a back door in the nesting area which makes it easy to collect eggs and swoop up our guys when
we decide we want to bring them in for a night

c) the sunny side of the coop, the roof element lifts off for when you really want to scrub and clean it, which
we really haven't had to do thanks to the linoleum. Also after some damp weather it is nice to leave that sunny
exposed side open to air dry the whole thing a little.

Here's some photos of it in progress, the first shows you the removable roof element

this next photo shows you how my neighbor (a genius as a carpenter !!) framed it up.

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I've built 2 very much like this. One was left at another residence and the last was taken down when I built my "large" coop (7' by 7.5") about 12 years ago.

. . . just a simple shed.

edited: This tread coming up again today allows me to sneakily get this "cleaned up" drawing in here. Mostly, I erased some heavy lines and smudges. Of course, you have to put in your own measurements to fit for it to be of any use to anyone.

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This is one of ours. Each one was built slightly different with wood from work (I'm amazed how much wood businesses just waste!) and pallets we found. The only time the chickens are confined completely to these coops are at night and when we're on a trip, otherwise I might have wanted a coop I could actually walk into. As it is, these suckers serve my purposes perfectly, and they're easy to clean and move if I want it on fresher ground.



I am a 65 year grandma and I built this almost single handed last year. My DH helped me with the roof but I framed it and put up the siding by myself. I am always looking for scraps of lumber and some of this building was from such finds. I had no plans and I am not sure I would have been able to follow them if I had them. I just started with a piece of 4/8 plywood and attached some legs and then started framing the sides.

I did learn that I should have cut the plywood down on the floor in order to use less wood on the roof to allow for some overhang. I built a second one just like this later that year and used Regular Siding, the kind that is grooved and primed. It worked so much better.
After I completed this building, I switched the double doors to a single door. I could not really figure out a good way to latch the doors and they did not fit properly. I really like the elevated building because I don't have much shade for the and it gives them some place to get out of the sun. Also to dust themselves. I keep Silkies and Sizzles so this unit holds 8-9 birds nicely.

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