Anyone is panhandle of Florida?


11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Fountain, Florida
Just wondering if anyone is in my local area??? I am in Fountain, Florida. I am inbetween Panama City, Florida & Dothan, AL.

We have about 15 hens and I am thinking 3 roos now. We love our chickens & would love to meet other chicks in the area--haha!
There is a great auction in Graceville FL that I have been going to. I got my latest goat there. They have it every thursday night. They have a MISC auction starting from 5pm on one side that runs the whole night and at 7pm they start auctioning Pigs, cages, then Goats and sheep, and then on to poultry for the rest of the night. I have been there 2 times and each time there has been a totally different selection there. One night they had a ton of chickens and the next time they had a bunch of ducks and Quail and such. Its really fun to go there.
Thanks for letting us know about Graceville. That is pretty close! Can you just bring the whole family to a auction? I have never been to one. I have 2 kids, 6 years old and 19 months old. Oh I would LOVE to go!!!!!
The auction in Graceville was wonderful!!!!! Thank you so much for telling me about it Jen. We went last night and bought day old chicks!!!! They are so cute!!!!
Glade you had fun, wish I could go, but am 2 hrs away. The paxton auction is an hr away, but I can't find any info on it.
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