Anyone know why my duck raises her feathers like this when people go near her?


Jun 16, 2021
This is my duck, goose, she’s the friendliest of all my ducks, used to even follow me around, she doesn’t run away when you walk up to her but she raises her feathers, non of my other ducks raise their feathers like that, why does she do this? (You can see my drake infront of her and his feathers are all flat and smooth)
She's pretty!
Is she broody perhaps? My cayuga hen when she was broody would do the same thing a lot always fluffing her feathers and doing the broody quack.
I don't know if any of my ducks really did or do anything like this unless they're broody or acting a little broody.
She’s just gone broody a couple days ago but she’s always done this with her feathers.
She's pretty!
Is she broody perhaps? My cayuga hen when she was broody would do the same thing a lot always fluffing her feathers and doing the broody quack.
I don't know if any of my ducks really did or do anything like this unless they're broody or acting a little broody.
I was about to ask the same thing. My broody welsh harlequins do this and it started when they went broody.
I’ve only seen this with my Muscovy and it’s usually excitement. When I had more than one Muscovy drake raising the Mohawk meant fighting was about to commence. Hopefully with your special girl it’s excitement.
I hope it’s excitement because she’s always done it and used to always love being around us, she doesn’t run off when you walk up to her she just fluffs her feathers, and the drake doesn’t even worry about he because he knows she’s fine
My Muscovy female does this and I don't know the exact reason either. It seems like mine does it when she is annoyed by my SO following her around the yard. She has only done it to me when I was trying to round her up to go into the run during mid-day and she doesn't like that. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to make trips to the store during the day and I won't leave them out unattended so it's a necessary evil occasionally.

Edit: she goes in at night excitedly so no problems with being put up or the run/house area. It's just when she prefers to be outside free ranging.
One if my khaki campbell ducks does this when she’s upset, if the kids are bothering her too much, or if a pigeon comes near the garden (she also quacks A LOT when she sees the pigeon!). I always thought she was fluffing herself up to look bigger. I tell the kids to leave her alone for a bit, and I give her a cuddle to calm her down if she’s really upset by a pigeon, then she goes back to normal.

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