Dec 2, 2015 #1 gatrapper Songster 8 Years May 20, 2015 255 197 196 Georgia Hey Y'all, I want to get some turkeys this year, but I'm trying to avoid having to order 10-15 and having to wait till April. Does anyone on here raise and ship poults?
Hey Y'all, I want to get some turkeys this year, but I'm trying to avoid having to order 10-15 and having to wait till April. Does anyone on here raise and ship poults?
Dec 2, 2015 #2 memphis RIP 1958-2020 Aug 6, 2012 8,194 21,509 877 May be a tough time of year to find poults. Most hens aren't laying right now. Turkeys are seasonal layers. Where are you located. Maybe you are close enough to someone who will have poults this spring.
May be a tough time of year to find poults. Most hens aren't laying right now. Turkeys are seasonal layers. Where are you located. Maybe you are close enough to someone who will have poults this spring.
Dec 2, 2015 #3 duluthralphie Dux eradication specialist 8 Years Jul 11, 2014 40,470 114,262 1,577 Orrock township, Minnesota Join us on "century of turkey talk" You may be close enough to someone that has turkeys they need to get rid of. Just check where I post or Memphis does we are both on that thread. Good luck on your search. BTW I know someone who has some he wants to get rid of... BTW part of the reason for a minimum order is to make sure there are enough birds to keep each other warm during shipping. You could buy eggs and have them mailed. Hatch your own. Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
Join us on "century of turkey talk" You may be close enough to someone that has turkeys they need to get rid of. Just check where I post or Memphis does we are both on that thread. Good luck on your search. BTW I know someone who has some he wants to get rid of... BTW part of the reason for a minimum order is to make sure there are enough birds to keep each other warm during shipping. You could buy eggs and have them mailed. Hatch your own.