Appenzaller Spitzhauben Roosters


5 Years
Jun 10, 2014
I have several extra silver spangled Appenzaller Spitzhauben roosters - they are around 14 weeks old. I ordered 16 chicks the first week of june and ended up with 12 roosters.

Some of these are very close to breed standard, and I'd like to avoid processing those birds. I will not ship. Local pickup only in Richmond, VA - varina/sandston area.
I just brought mine to auction and a few breeder's their took them in. I was happy and also worried about processing but it surprised me of how many pet and hobby owners-enthusiast where at my local auction. I also had similar results as you with Cackle and ended up with two good breed standard roos's and only 4 breed standard hens out of 16/12 roosters! Good luck from Michigan. I used to live near you in the service! :)
Spitzboyz, you know of any good ways to find auctions? I don't know of any local ones (although I'm sure they're around). I ended up with 12 roos, 4 hens. Most of the roos are pretty decent (probably 3 that are bad), 3 or 4 are great looking, and of the hens I've got 1 decent one and 3 that are very polish looking.
Good comment. It was a bit difficult to find auctions outside of events like the annual Michigan Chickenstock and bird shows. I had to ask around at events in order to find one in my area, also a good Google search helped. I found absolutely no information on any bird auctions from this site! Surprising! I was so lucky to find one 8 miles from my house! This helps me cull out birds that are too good to eat as I grow my breeding operation. I'm sure these lucky auctioneers love my additions! I hope you really do find either good homes for them thru listings such as this or Craigslist, etc. OR thru a local auction. I really hope you find an auction near you because I think you'd really enjoy seeing what comes to auction. I picked up some rare Muscovy ducks and too good broody Silkies last auction at way lower of a price than any breeder or hatchery. I also made a little hobby money, it won't make you rich, to fund my operations. My highest Spitzhauben rooster sold for $10.00. People fought over them since they are so rare, especially her in Northern Michigan.


Google search
Ask around flea markets, bird auctions and shows.
Yellow Pages!
Maybe this site for your area? (Ask your VA forum page, I'm sure your state has a BYC State page!)
Good ole elbow grease will find one. Maybe DC or into North Carolina for you?

Good luck fellow Spitz lover! Here for your support, Simon.

Nice! That skinny front crest Mohawk is exactly what you want! They definitely did good by introducing European lines this past year at Cackle. The hen looks good too. All 3 good breed examples and mirror what I have. The rooster in the back is your best IMO. Better tail, good feet, best crest and proper distance in spangles. The other ones I had were a little Polish and some with backward crests. Lucky me, I have a Golden Spangled breeder I am working with near me and will be acquiring his line of Goldens soon.
The rooster lines definitely look good from them - my roosters (and some of the ones available - buy now!) are better looking than most of the pix I see online - the hens need work though. The one I posted looks good, but I've also got this thing:

OMG! I have two of these polish looking things. Cull, cull, and cull. They make good egg layers though. I kept my hens of non standard quality simply as egg layers. When it comes to breeding, I will separate and sort these out. If I have to, I'll just auction them off. Hens go for decent money and especially if their egg laying.

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