Araucana crossed with Ameraucana

Rafter 7 Paint Horses

13 Years
Jan 13, 2007
East Texas
I just got 3 purebred Black Araucana's. 2 Roosters and 1 hen.
One of the roosters has ear tufts, and the other is clean-faced.
The hen is clean-faced also.
Breeders of these beautiful chickens: Which rooster do you recommend I put her with? I have her with the one that has ear tufts right now.
These are not supposed to be related to each other.

I have a Black Ameraucana hen, I was thinking of putting her with the other rooster and see what I will get after she starts to lay.

Have any of you crossed a true Ameraucana with an Araucana?
What characteristics did you get? Like ear tufts, beards & muffs,
leg color, rumpless???

I still have to get pictures.
They are a little flighty, but once they get used to being here, I'm sure they will settle down. They haven't been abused that I know of, and they look in good health. Just a little ruffled from their trip.

They are quarantined right now. We have to move our breeding pens to fresh ground before they get "out of jail".

I can't wait to see what I get from breeding them!!

Always best to breed clean faced to tufted with araucana. Two copies of the tufted gene will greatly increase chick mortality.

Mixing Ameraucana to Araucana will give highly variable results and will give an unpredictable mix of their characteristics. I have a friend just west of me that has x bred them.

You should google the araucana standard for europe. Their birds have some of the ameraucana characteristics. Really nice looking birds in my opinion.
The usual recommendation is to breed tuft with non-tufted.

Nearly all the traits in araucanas and ameraucanas are dominant or semi dominant.

Rumpless and tufts are dominant with variable expression- especially the tufts. There are actually birds that appear clean faced but are genetic tufts. I used to have several of those. Also marked chicks that had only one tuft and a weak looking one at that, sometimes those simply disappear and so the bird looks clean faced rest of its life... Still, best to expect a clean faced to be just that, clean faced. Unless proven otherwise by the offspring.

Beard/muff is dominant but a lot of times birds with just one beard gene has a smaller one or not so well defined into the "beard" and "muffs".

Tufts can still show in a bearded bird. appearence is variable of course. Some birds with good tufts seem to have a giant "muffs" however if you are familiar with how tufts look, you can still tell it's tufts in the beard. However if you use a clean faced and he also happens to be genetically non-tufted, none of the offspring will be tufted.

Many or half of the crosses will be rumpless, depending on if the rooster was pure or heterozygous for rumpless. Expect some "partially rumpless"- rumpless but still have some of the (actual) feathers sticking out at odd angles.

Other things such as colors, leg color, patterns etc go by same rules as any other chicken.
Thanks for the info.

I will leave the clean-faced hen with the tufted rooster. That way I will have some purebred Araucana's.

I will experiment with the other rooster and the Ameraucana hens.

Jean, how did your cross with the Araucana rooster and your Ameracauna hen go? I am about to get an Araucana rooster. He is still a bit young but by late Summer should be old enough to breed. I am wanting to try him with my Ameracaunas, Whiting True Blue and CCL to see if I can intensify the egg color. Hens will be used for laying hens only
I have many chicks crossed w Araucana and Americana roos . Breed color into production brown egg layers . Such as Rhode Island reds, Sapphire gems, sex link, silver laced and golden laced Wyandottes,Copper Moran and Brahma, Jersey Giant, Game . Now have some really beautiful looking birds . Some have tuffs and a few have feathers on their feet . Yes I realize brahmas don't produce heavy but throw some beautiful babies and r great for keeping peace n the coop . Very excited to c what color eggs they'll lay ? Some have green legs as my older Easter eggers had therefore hoping for a variety of colored eggs .

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