Araucana: plucked ear feathers won’t grow back?!


Feb 16, 2022
Somewhere In France
My 10-month old Aracauna “calendar girl” was supposed to attend the French Aracauna championships this month but is banned from competing because her right ear tuft is missing. :(

Another hen pulled the feathers out last fall and while she has successfully molted and has a lovely new “coat”, her ear tuft is still a naked stump. The offending hen was re-homed and no other flock members pluck feathers.

Is it possible they will never grow back? She is eating plenty of protein and has a balanced diet of whatever she forages (including insects), a layer crumble mixed with organic scratch, garden veggies, oyster shell, garlic powder in the feed and occasionally apple cider or vitamins in one of the waterers.

Would love some suggestions on how to magically grow feathers. Castor oil? Biotin? Anything?

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