Are all hens like this?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 28, 2009
All of my girls do this, and I was just wondering why? Even when they are several different empty nest boxes to choose from, they all insist in trying to get into the one that's already occupied. Even if its being occupied by a dominant hen that pecks and beats the crap out of them. Does everyones hens behave this way?
Mine too, for the most part. They like to lay where there is already a clutch of eggs. And mine often favor the corner nest because it's darker and less drafty. I guess everybody just wants the best seat in the house!
Yes, mine are! And this story is very common! My Brahmas especially - They always have to shove and push another Brahma out, especially the ones who hate being disturbed the most. I have one, named Mila, who if bothered will scream at the top of her lungs (sounds like a raptor being tortured) but noone cares. . . They continue on, and step on her head to shush her up, then push her out and lay right down.

Oh, and of course, it is always in the darkest, most cornerly corner that this happens.
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yep. I've had three hens to try and lay at once in a nest built for 1 1/2 hens. The result was messy. Most of the eggs are always in one nest, a huge pile, with one or two maybe in the others.
yes I have one nest closest to the corner of the coop that always has more eggs in it. The two nests on the end may have one egg a peice in it and one hen contiued to put her's right on the floor but out of nine eggs a day I am getting from a possible 16 hens just laying at least five are in the same nest by noon.
Yes they do have favorite nests .
Mine too, They step all over one another and sometimes break eggs. It was recommended to me by BYCers to change nest or to block off the one they fight over. SOOOO we got a 5 inch or so high, long plastic container. It works as a communal type nest. Then the girls didn't know what to make of it , so they layed outside of the nest. DH put the wooden eggs back into the nest and WALA 6 unbroken eggs so far today.
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I opened the coop door mid morning a couple of weeks ago, there in a corner nest were 4 gals all busy trying to rearrange the nest material and do their laying job.

One buff orphington , one black jersey giant, one white plymouth rock, and stuffed in the back one poor little ole production red.

I just closed the door and went back into the house to get my wife to take a look.

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