Are day old quails able to eat organic chia seeds??


Jun 10, 2020
I heard quails love seeds but I would like to know if day old jumbo quail chicks can eat them too? I know they like grown chia sprouts.
Thank you for your help! I will feed the chia seeds to the quail later in its development! I think it’s a good source of protein
To be safe I would stick with the game bird starter for the first few weeks. I have not raised quail, but I have raised lots of chickens and parrots, young birds grow very fast and need excellent nutrition. Chia is nutritious, but not balanced for your young chicks.
Thank you for your help! I will feed the chia seeds to the quail later in its development! I think it’s a good source of protein
I have chia, and like it! And it is a good source of lots of great nutrition, high protien seeds, tasty sprouts, too! Any quail would love it, but it is best for us non-specialists to stick to the food at first! To give birds a treat, after they are a little older, 10% is a good rule of thumb.

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