I have 2 drakes and 5 hens. I've raised these ducks since they were born. This week two hens were clearly fighting. One was pinning the others head into the ground. She chased the other for a while. It didn't look good. At first it looked like a rooster fight, but of course not that intense. Now, one of my drakes is chasing the other drake out of the pool, and out of the garden altogether. He bites and pulls on the other drakes feathers. He spends the entire day chasing him and one other female away from the garden. Is this because they are establishing their pecking order, or who's boss? They are 5 months old and mating everyday. It's September. What can I do, and what can I expect? Should I pair them up away from each other? I've divided their shed so they can't fight. And could they lay eggs at this time? Thanks for any insight on this.