Are my Easter Eggers actually Wyandottes?


5 Years
Apr 5, 2014
North East of Colorado Springs
Last spring we got three chicks from a feed store where we were told that they did not know what most of them were, but they thought they had some "ameraucanas" in there. I studied pictures of chicks and gathered info and decided that they were Easter Eggers. I was so excited to maybe get green or blue eggs. Well, the girls have started laying . . . brown eggs. I was confused, but as I researched I found that some EEs can lay brown eggs. And then last night I was researching different breads for the fun of it and was like all, "My EEs look like perfect specimens of Silver and Golden Laced Wyandottes!" While I am certain that's what they are, may I get some more opinions? They don't like to be touched and are a bit standoffish. They are all near the top of the pecking order in a flock with RIRs and BOs, and 1 actual EE. Now I am nervous because I talked to a lady who hates her Wyandottes because they are always broody. But they are so pretty and lay so well, I don't think I will care. Just in case, are there any good tricks for handling broody hens or helping them get over their broodyness?

If those Wyandottes ever get persistently broody, you just ship them on over here. I'll swap you out for some good layers

Wyandottes overall tend to go broody more than say a lot of the Rocks, but they're not a breed folks think of when they think of potential broodies. My hatchery Wyandottes never went broody. Just enjoy them and the nice eggs.
They are both beautiful Wyandottes! The white and black one is a Silver-Laced and the other is a Golden-Laced.

I have Wyandottes, and only one bantam has ever gone broody, and that was only for a few days.
Yes, those are definitely Wyandottes. They will never lay you beautiful blue/green eggs, but they should still lay plenty of large, brown eggs.

For the four years that I've been raising Wyandottes, none of my large fowl have ever gone broody. And with my bantams, only one young pullet has gone broody. I'm sure there are strains of Wyandotte that go broody more often than others, but I think a broody Wyandotte is more of an exception, not normal.

If your Wyandottes do go broody, there are some things you can do to stop them from sitting. One popular way is to put them in an all-wire cage with no bedding material. The air flow beneath the cage cools their underside, disrupting the broody cycle. In most cases, it takes only 3-4 days of being in the broody cage to break a hen of her broodiness.

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