Last spring we got three chicks from a feed store where we were told that they did not know what most of them were, but they thought they had some "ameraucanas" in there. I studied pictures of chicks and gathered info and decided that they were Easter Eggers. I was so excited to maybe get green or blue eggs. Well, the girls have started laying . . . brown eggs. I was confused, but as I researched I found that some EEs can lay brown eggs. And then last night I was researching different breads for the fun of it and was like all, "My EEs look like perfect specimens of Silver and Golden Laced Wyandottes!" While I am certain that's what they are, may I get some more opinions? They don't like to be touched and are a bit standoffish. They are all near the top of the pecking order in a flock with RIRs and BOs, and 1 actual EE. Now I am nervous because I talked to a lady who hates her Wyandottes because they are always broody. But they are so pretty and lay so well, I don't think I will care. Just in case, are there any good tricks for handling broody hens or helping them get over their broodyness?