Are my silkie babies pullets or roos?


11 Years
Aug 12, 2008
Temperance, MI
Hi and thanks in advance for any help! These babies are about 9 weeks old. The black is much larger than the splash with the blue being in between size-wise. I can't see a comb on the splash but the black has a big bump. From what I've seen on this forum, I am guessing the black to be a roo and the splash a pullet, but the blue has me stumped completely. What do you all think?






I am not a silkie expert but I think the splash is a pullet and the blue and black could be roos. Maybe someone who is not a silkie newbie will respond soon. Best wishes!
You were right! The black and blue babies are both roos and the splash is a pullet. The black is definitely the head honcho though. This bird is a hoot - hates my husband and will stomp and bull kick when he sees him. He loves me though and coos while I give him his daily full body massage.
Well, I guess I should trust myself a little more, lol! Thank you for updating us. I wish they had been 2 pullets and one roo for you though. But with silkies having 2 roosters and one hen isn't the end of the world. Are you going to try and place your "extra" rooster in a good home or are you going to keep him right where he is. I get pretty attached to my extras - the roos seem to have a bit of extra personality packed in there somehow, lol. Whatever you decide enjoy those silkies! Do you have any more recent pics of them? I was sure they would turn out REALLY nice since they were looking pretty good at 9 weeks.

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