Are regular sunflower seeds ok??

Ruth Ann

9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
South Carolina
I see many give their chickens the BOSS seeds. But I have some regular sunflower seed heads
that I want to give my chickens. The kind with the stripe on them.
Will they eat them...
anything wrong with giving them the striped ones?
I want to put the hole head in and let them peck them at their leisure.
Would appreciate any input.
Less ideal since the hulls themselves are more difficult to digest and carry less nutrients than the black oil sunflowers but they can eat them.
This is good to know, as I was wondering the same thing..... Thanks
Hope so, my birds camp under the feeder and wait for the songbirds to kick some out.
Sure, you can feed them to the chickens. I have some I have to give mine. I do however, give my chickens BOSS sunflower seeds. The reason is the BOSS have a softer shell and are easier to eat. I feed them to my horses too. The others have very hard shells and the animals can choke on them. That's the only difference.
I grow all kinds of sunflowers, including BOSS, because I like 'em. When they dry out I cut the heads off and give them to the chickens before the native birds get them. It gives my birds something to do and they like 'em too.
I just planted some BOSS, today. I know it's late, but I thought I'd give it a try. What do the plants look like? Do they get tall with one big head, or do they produce many smaller flowers?
Thanks Gallo del Cielo. I'm in northern CA. All my other sunflowers are blooming already but we'll see. I put the seeds in my greenhouse to give them a good start, then I'll pick a warm sunny spot for them in the garden. I'd love to dry it and give the whole head to them in the winter.


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