I am new to the whole wide world of chickens. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about them and the specific breeds. I am looking for a smaller breed, friendly, blue/green eggs as well as shades of brown, and less flighty. My searches have led me to the Ameraucauna as one of the breeds that fit my criteria. I purchased 3 "true Ameraucauna" not EE eggs to hatch. I have never done any of this before! Well, two out of the three hatched. My first chick ever is the little black one. Have to say, I am in love with the whole chicken thing! Second one to hatch is the little yellow one. They will be two weeks old on the 27th of this month. Needless to say, I have no idea if you can tell the sex at this young age, but reading through many of the threads here, someone way more experienced than me may be able to tell. Also, can you tell if they are true Ameraucaunas or are they Easter Eggers. I will still love and care for them anyways, but I was kinda working on keeping some of the heritage breeds like the Cream Legbars, (which was the second batch of eggs I hatched and all of them hatched!),
and Wheaton Am., and buckeye to name a few. Also, what is the "belly butting" that they do mean?? I haven't seen any reference to that behavior in my reading. Thank you for all your help!
I am new to the whole wide world of chickens. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about them and the specific breeds. I am looking for a smaller breed, friendly, blue/green eggs as well as shades of brown, and less flighty. My searches have led me to the Ameraucauna as one of the breeds that fit my criteria. I purchased 3 "true Ameraucauna" not EE eggs to hatch. I have never done any of this before! Well, two out of the three hatched. My first chick ever is the little black one. Have to say, I am in love with the whole chicken thing! Second one to hatch is the little yellow one. They will be two weeks old on the 27th of this month. Needless to say, I have no idea if you can tell the sex at this young age, but reading through many of the threads here, someone way more experienced than me may be able to tell. Also, can you tell if they are true Ameraucaunas or are they Easter Eggers. I will still love and care for them anyways, but I was kinda working on keeping some of the heritage breeds like the Cream Legbars, (which was the second batch of eggs I hatched and all of them hatched!),
and Wheaton Am., and buckeye to name a few. Also, what is the "belly butting" that they do mean?? I haven't seen any reference to that behavior in my reading. Thank you for all your help!