Are these girls really boys?


Jan 28, 2011
Easternshore of Maryland
This is one of my favorite chicks, my Barred Rock "Willow". I am really hoping that she is really a she, but I know there is a chance she could be a he. She is starting to get reddish wattles and her comb is larger than most of my other girls.

And here is my Golden Campine "Piney", she has a really big comb, the biggest in the group, but still yellowish.

Added: They are 3 weeks old!
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I think the first one is a pullet as she has the classic darker plumage of a female BR and also the "black wash" down her legs that is also indicative of a girl. The second chick is boy all the way.
I also thought pullet when I looked at the BR. Compared to the other BR chicks is the plumage color about the same? Or does this chick appear to have more white when compared with its siblings? My BR roos are always "brighter" than the girls.

I have no idea about camphines.

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